November 24, 2022
2 mins read

Free courses from the best universities

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A university is an institution intended for higher education, consisting of several faculties and awarding the corresponding academic degrees. If you are eager to learn and know what is taught at a university, it is a good idea to take free courses offered by many universities to see their approach. Once a free course is finished if you need a certificate is when you must pay for that document, but you can simply sign up for a free online course to see what is taught.

Courses are offered through online training platforms such as EdX or Coursera. You just have to look for the one that interests you and that’s it. Then if you want to obtain a certificate you pay for the issuance of the title if you have met all its requirements.

University rankings

RUR World University Rankings evaluates the performance of more than 1000 leading higher education institutions in the world through 20 indicators grouped into 4 key areas of university activity: Teaching, Research, International Diversity, Financial Sustainability. You can view the rankings for the period 2010-2022 by selecting the year in the timeline and choosing the type of ranking from the menu from the world-university-rankings page. Let’s look at top 5 courses.

California Institute of Technology

Caltech’s (California Institute of Technology) online education programs aim to improve the way future generations of scientists and engineers are educated and show how the intense focus of science and engineering education can make a difference beyond college.

Courses with online learning opportunities will be available through Coursera and edX, educational technology platforms that offer college-level online courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide audience free of charge. You can find free courses at the address

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Harvard University Courses

Harvard University, one of the most recognized in the world and with prestigious alumni also offers free courses. You can view the course catalog in In addition, you can choose the difficulty, depending on whether you are a beginner, a student with some knowledge about a topic to study, or advanced. An example course on programming in Scratch can be found at this address. introduction-programming-scratch.

harvard cursos gratuitos free courses

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The world knows MIT for its pioneering research and innovative graduates. But from the beginning, MIT has also offered a distinctive form of education, deeply documented by science and technology, and based on hands-on research, real-world problem solving, and a commitment to “learning by doing.”

These principles inspire teaching in all fields, from engineering, computer science, architecture and management to the natural and social sciences, humanities and the arts. It seeks to lead in the responsible and ethical evolution of technologies that transform society. MIT is a community eager to solve difficult problems in service to the world.

You can find MIT courses at this address mitx. You can also see the course catalog in

mit free courses

Stanford University

Stanford is a place of discovery, creativity and innovation located in the San Francisco Bay Area on the ancestral land of the Muwekma Ohlone tribe. Stanford Online is an online platform of Stanford University, offering multiple courses of all kinds. Offering a robust catalog of open, free, professional, and credited content provides a variety of ways to expand your learning, advance your career, and improve your life.

Stanford Online is developed by the Stanford Center for Professional Development, a leader in online education.

Karolinska Institute

Of the top 5 in the ranking, the first university entity that is not American is Karolinska institute, which is based in a Scandinavian country, Sweden. From the  admissions-to-freestanding-courses address you can see the catalog of courses offered. Before applying, you must verify that you have the required academic qualifications and language skills. All courses require prior academic studies. In this case, no free courses are offered through other platforms, everything is done on the institution’s own platform.

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Avelino Dominguez

??‍? Biologist ??‍? Teacher ??‍? Technologist ? Statistician ? #SEO #SocialNetwork #Web #Data ♟Chess ? Galician

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