The GBD (Global Burden of Disease) is a global study that assesses the burden of disease, injury and risk factors in different countries and regions of the world as well as disease patterns. This analysis is carried out to measure the impact of various diseases and health conditions in terms of years of life lost due to illness or disability.
The data is available in

Most common disease patterns
Analyze how disease patterns have changed over time with the most comprehensive visualization of GBD. It answers questions like: What was the total number of COVID-19 deaths in 2020 globally? What is the main cause of disability in your country? What percentage of lung cancer deaths were caused by smoking?
Maps, graphs, tree diagrams, arrow diagrams, and a dozen other types of graphs can be used to compare trends in diseases, injuries, and risk factors; explore the health profile within a country according to age and sex; compare countries with each other or examine regional and global trends. The visualization is available in 16 languages and the data can be downloaded.
Classification of diseases
An interesting graph is that of arrows. This chart shows cause or risk ratings for two different years and visualizes the change in ratings between those years with a connecting line. Cardiovascular diseases continue to be the leading cause of death. In 2021, respiratory diseases are the second leading cause of death, influenced by COVID-19.