I’m Avelino Domínguez, a galician biologist with experience in internet and security. This site is about things i like and i want to share with you, my dear visitor.
I like chess, classic movies, cats, new technologies and many more things. I am very curious and i like to get information from several fonts. Because i am a scientific I don’t believe anything that can’t be demonstrated with data. Fake news… no thank you ⛔️ . I like security and work everyday to improve yours and mine. If you find useful this site, that’s my goal.
Why avertigoland?. My nick from the beginning of internet adventure was Avertigo. Avertigo is the join of Ave, my name, and movie “Vertigo” (More details) . Years ago i had a web called www.avertigo.com similar to this but more unprofessional. I will try to post every day about things i think you can find interesting.