noviembre 8, 2021
2 mins read

How to get bitcoins without investing real money

various cryptocurrency on table
Photo by Roger Brown on

If you have not been in a cave during the last year you will have noticed the enormous publicity that thousands of companies have invested for people to invest in bitcoins. Without going any further, Formula 1 has sponsored since July of this year the page,which also has ads made by Hollywood stars.  is the fastest growing cryptocurrency platform in the world.

I have registered on two pages, one called Uphold and the other Crypto, however, in the latter to finish the process they force you to enter money. The other page allows you to trade without entering anything first.

Network rates

The blockchain fee is a cryptocurrency transaction fee that is charged to users when they transact cryptocurrencies. The fee is charged to process the transaction on the network. This blockchain fee is paid to ensure that cryptocurrency transfers arrive in a timely manner. The blockchain fee is one of the main tools used to speed up encryption transactions, which are often slow due to the high congestion on the blockchain network. The lower the blockchain fee, the lower the priority of your transaction on the blockchain network.

These fees are sometimes quite abusive since to send a small amount on some pages they charge up to € 15 commission in cryptocurrencies. It’s the way the page must make a profit, but it’s an abusive value.

Analyzing a wallet

Let’s analyze this bitcoin wallet  and see the fees (commissions) that must be spent to move the virtual money. This address has a total of 1,175,580 transactions on the Bitcoins chain, almost nothing. It has received a total of  15,571,388,56801580 BTC  (946,026,943,911.17  US$) and has sent a total of  15,531,788.01178234 BTC  (943,621,044,589.67  US$). The current value of this address is  39,600.55623346 BTC  (2,405,899,321.51  US$). It is possibly the most active wallet on the blockchain.

In this wallet you can see how the blockchain works and how bitcoins are sent from one wallet to another. If you look on the bitcoin abuse page you will come to the conclusion that this wallet is managed by cybercriminals since it has been reported more than 200 times as can be seen in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Bitcoin wallet reported

The bitcoins bubbles

The more than 100 varieties of cryptocurrencies are causing a huge amount of bubble as people buy various types of cryptocurrencies in the hope of starting to trade with them.

From the page there is a list where you can buy and sell bitcoins by logging into a wallet you own. There are some, not all, cryptocurrencies and their value as can be seen in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Different types of cryptocurrencies

All cryptocurrencies undergo constant changes in valuation and sometimes you do not need more than an influential person to say something for them to change in value and suffer a peak quote. Just look at how the value of bitcoin has evolved in recent years as shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3. Value of bitcoins the last 5 years. Extracted from

Get free bitcoins

There are many ways to get free bitcoins. I do not recommend those in which you have to fill out eternal surveys, which usually enrich those who create them a lot and waste the time of those who make them. One of the ways is to use the browser called Brave that every month according to the traffic you have made pays you with a cryptocurrency called BAT (Basic Attention Token).

Figure 3. Uphold on-page wallets

This cryptocurrency is typical of the browser, and you receive an amount of it every month. Then you can move that cryptocurrency to another such as bitcoin. You can use the Uphold page to manage multiple wallets and move virtual money from one wallet to another.


Avelino Dominguez

Biologist - Teacher - Statistician #SEO #SocialNetwork #Web #Data ♟Chess - Galician

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