August 30, 2020
2 mins read

Tools to improve your SEO

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Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on

Today the success of a website on the Internet comes in part by the use of tools called SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO  is the process of building a website with the right parameters that allows internet search engines to index it. You’re looking to increase the visibility of it and improve your SEO.

Each search engine has its own algorithm and the key to success is precisely to use just what that formula wants. Never a website is going to be perfect in SEO, it will never have 100%. But having high SEO score levels greatly increases the traffic that arrives on your website. Remember that it’s not a person who analyzes your Page. It’s a robot programmed by a person who does the job.

Networked tools to improve your seo

You can hire someone who is an expert handling SEO for your website. But it’s also a good idea to be the one who works on it yourself. Magic is in walking the way, not in looking like others make their way for you. There are many tools that allow you to optimize SEO. I present 4 of them that you can find on the following websites:

What to work on improve your SEO

Creating content that is  attractive to the visitor or customer is essential. Not only that, that content has to be relevant to the user who visits your website. If you are not getting visitors you are not following the right steps and you have to change your course. You have to write about what people are looking for. Search for keywords, work on your article, polish it as much as possible and then post it waiting for you to pass the google robot or any other online search engine.

It is unsuitable for you to write about something that has already been written to fullness. Competition in the jungle isn’t usually good, and in the internet content either. Be original, creative, give it a different approach. Containing keywords that can attract your visitors.

The relevance of the position in the index

Also remember that if Google indexes you but your Page appears on the 3 pages of results it is unlikely that someone will get there. What to do in that case? Slightly change the article, add more content, add more keywords, reorient what you’ve written. Make the text more digestible.

And if you don’t appear on Google your Page doesn’texist. Traffic to your page has to arrive from many sources, the more the better, but the first one certainly has to be traffic from the search engine. You have to go where people are, you have to go find your visitors or customers where you know they are.

Luckily tools like the ones I showed you above help you in the difficult task of preparing your page to be indexed, so that all the effort you put into generating relevant content is greatly rewarded in visit or sales mode.

Now it’s your turn. It’s time to work to make your Page better positioned and on the first page of results.

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Avelino Dominguez

??‍? Biologist ??‍? Teacher ??‍? Technologist ? Statistician ? #SEO #SocialNetwork #Web #Data ♟Chess ? Galician

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